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Join Us

Become a member of your Association! 

The Association is the only group which represents ALL retired administrative staff of the University of Ottawa in order to defend your interests. The larger our membership, the stronger we are when lobbying on your behalf.  It is therefore important that you support the Association by becoming a member.  It is simple, just complete the form below.

Help us defend your interests, join now. Membership fees are only $15 annually. Encourage your former colleagues with whom you are still in contact to do the same. The larger our membership, the stronger we will be.

We're looking forward to welcoming you!!!

1-year membership ending Dec. 2025 $15.00
2-year membership ending Dec. 2026 $30.00
3-year membership ending Dec. 2027 $45.00
5-year membership ending Dec. 2029 $75.00
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