Your Book Club - the exact date for the event will be confirmed shortly
Your Book Club
You would like to share your reading list, your latest discoveries? Join Hélène Carrière and Arlette Henry online, on Zoom, for a third meeting. The theme will be : A book that made you laugh out loud. It will help us to make it through the long canadian winter.
Send the information (author, title) to Hélène or Arlette. They will compile a list of suggested titles. If you have suggested a title, you can present it at our meeting online (but you don’t have to). Everybody is welcome, you might just want to be there to listen and pick up a few interesting reading suggestions. Books proposed can be in English or in French and the meeting will be bilingual.
Send your reading suggestion to Hélène Carrière or Arlette Henry (click on one of the names), if possible before February 1st.